"I've been using
Maggie's Peaceful Pooch (formerly
Puppy Calm) for my 14-week old
Maltese. When I spray his bedding,
within a few minutes he curls up for a
L. Batchelor
Los Gatos, CA
Pet Products | Pet Communication

I have been giving "Avalanche" and
"Cara" the Animal Calm tincture daily.
What a difference! Your flower
essences worked wonders - we didn't
have to give a sedative once - even on
July 4th. I'm so glad I tried your
Flower Essence Energy products!
S. Dunn,
Animal Communicator
Pet Products | Pet Communication

My puppy is energetic and eager to
please but his attention was going
everywhere. Using the Yippee Puppy
essence helped to quiet his mind and
he was able to focus: he is no longer
jumping and biting the lead, but is
walking calmly next to me.
Lorraine Matherly
Owner of Pet Pals
Discount Pet Food and Supplies
June 2007
Pet Products | Pet Communication

We have a Female Coyote and Dog, her
name is Keeper. After using Animal
Calm on her for a couple of weeks, I
notice she is not as nervous.
Cris Jakubisin,
American Wildlife Rescue
Felton, CA
Pet Products | Pet Communication

Hello Maggie!
The Animal Calm seems to work pretty
well! She wasn't quite as ‘freaked
out’ in the motor home driving from
Santa Cruz, CA to Benson, AZ. Going
over the cattle guards made her a
little nervous but not shivering, and
trying to get under the seat as she
had in the past. This is just after 2
weeks, so we are looking forward to an
even calmer Willow on our return trip.
Lynda Katz
Pet Products | Pet Communication

dog’s name is Tuca. For the past 5
years I have treated his allergy
symptoms with atarax as prescribed by
my veterinarian. Recently the cost of
atarax increased substantially and I
went in search of other remedies. I
didn’t have to look far. Maggie Smith
of Flower Essence Energy suggested I
try a flower essence formula called
“Sneezease”. Tuca is a whole new, 6
year old, puppy.
Since using this spray Tuca’s eyes
have stopped watering constantly, he
doesn’t seem as pre-occupied with
rubbing them and his sneezing has
almost disappeared. When I spray the
Sneezease on his forehead he looks up
at me, sniffs and opens his mouth for
the spray. I think he even likes the
taste. After 6 weeks of using the
spray I find that he only needs it
once a week. I am so happy to use this
natural product instead of giving Tuca
two atarax pills per day.
Thank you Maggie.
Love Andrea, Alexander and Tuca
San Diego, CA
Pet Products | Pet Communication

daughter lived alone in Tahoe, with
her older dog “Page”, she would take
her along to work in the wintertime,
leaving her in the car during the cold
days and walking her every few hours.
The dog loved it, but when summer
arrived and it was too warm for the
dog to stay in the car, so my daughter
left her at home. Dear old “Page”
would run out her doggie door and
miles down the road to find Wendy Rae,
she did not want to stay home alone.
Next, she put up a wire line between
two trees in the shady front yard,
with plenty of water and treats. The
despondent dog chewed the frame
off the front door; she was one
unhappy old girl. I prepared a formula
for her to calm her down and make her
feel loved. After 2 months of the
formula Page never ran away again, she
felt loved and happy to be home alone.
Maggie Smith
Pet Products | Pet Communication |