Maggie Smith has been an invaluable support to the Elizabeth Hospice. She has introduced the use of Flower Essences
and Aromatherapy into our programs, both for our patients and the Hospice Community. Her willingness to share her
considerable expertise, effervescent personality and exceptional products have made our program uniquely effective.
We recommend her enthusiastically!
Nerice Kaufman
at Hospice of the North Coast, Carlsbad, CA

An Alzheimers patient of ours in a SNF who was refusing his showers & bathing assistance became combative during
a hospice HHA visit. The HHA who had just been trained in our Aromatherapy program with Essential Oils placed the
oils on his own hands and extended his hand in a handshake, calling the patient by name. The patient stated, Oh,
s good, it feels good, and smells good. What is this? The HHA replied, Some soothing oil. I would like for you
to come with me for awhile. They sat down and the HHA continued to moisturize the patient
s hand while talking in a comforting voice to him. He offered to assist him with a shower and the patient agreed.
He took his shower, which he had previously refused and was totally cooperative and did not become agitated. The
essential oils had made hand to heart connection, grounded and comforted him so the HHA could complete the necessary
shower. The HHA called in to the office and said to the Director, You said it would work, and it really did!
Another SNF patient who was having trouble sleeping reported being able to sleep like a baby after having aromatherapy
provided by the hospice HHA. She consistently did not want to take sleeping medication unless she really had to
because it caused her to become too groggy afterwards. We had the HHA start giving her miniaturization of hands
and feet including spritzing of her pillow case, just before sleep and she was amazed at how peaceful and calm
it made her, allowing her to sleep. She will not trade her aromatherapy visits for anything.
Rosemary Kirby, VNAIC Hospice, Banning, CA

At the time death of our 84 year old patient, his wife began to wail loudly, a local custom of her birth country.
The family which consisted of many children and grandchildren, were present seemed distressed by her continued
loud wailing. I sprayed Hope Flower Essence Spray in the room and on a cotton ball which I waved under the grandmother
s nose. The results were immediatethe grandmother started to sob gently and the children all started to pray.
The change in the energy of the room was instantaneous; it was a wonderful experience to support them in this manner.
Case Nurse, Elizabeth Hospice, San Diego, CA

Thank you or the speedy delivery of the Hospice Kit. I was able to help a patient benefit from your products this
week. I must say I was shocked at how quickly and effectively it worked! I
m sure I will be ordering more soon.
Sandra Lackey, Community Hospice Inc.

There are a great many skeptics who would debate the value of aromatherapy. I was a skeptic! But at a recent seminar,
I had the privilege to meet Maggie Smith. She provides aromatherapy products and trains staff members on the use
of aromatherapy at hospice facilities. Before the seminar, I damaged my right arm. I had to wear a brace and was
having a great deal of bone pain. When I started talking to Maggie, I told her about my arm. She applied a spray
on my arm. I felt a difference immediately and the pain was gone. I actually took the brace off and never wore
it again. My peers stated that my arm visibly relaxed. This episode changed my view on aromatherapy and flower
Seeing is believing.
Sherry York, Blacksburg, SC

Dear Maggie,
I wanted to let you know that one of our Massage Therapists, Vera Turner, came in my office to share some great
news about one of her patients. She had been giving this patient a weekly massage for the last two months, with
no response. She never spoke or even opened her eyes during that time. Last week Vera took the Massage Kit with
her and decided to use one of the Sprays in the corners of the room before she started her massage. The woman immediately
opened her eyes and thanked Vera and shared how much she appreciated her coming every week to massage her. She
did not stop talking during the entire hour and Vera was stunned.
The Sprays really do support our patients.
Wendy Celeste, Volunteer Coordinator
Hope Hospice, Dublin, CA 94568

Hi Maggie,
As I mentioned during our conversation, our Aroma Therapy Program is off to the races after your two-day visit
with our organization to train our staff and volunteers! Johnnie, one of our RNs, was the first to check out an
aroma therapy kit. He has incorporated everything he learned in the training session into his daily visits with
patients and their family members. Johnnie has used the Calling the Angels spray to calm an anxiety-ridden caregiver
just one day after signing her husband onto our services; he also brought a daughter, the sole caregiver for her
mother (our patient), closer to her mother by demonstrating moisturizing technique taught to us using Heart Awakening
oil. When Johnnie left their home, a mother who had not connected through physical touch with her daughter since
signing onto our services was enjoying a relaxing aroma therapy moisturizing treatment given by her daughter!
Johnnie shared his first two success stories with our Interdisciplinary Team last week and we now have two additional
RNs using the aroma therapy kits, as well as all of our Social Services staff!
Ginger L. Veal, Volunteer Director,
Hospice of Southwest Oklahoma, Lawton, OK

I was asked to visit one of our patients who had become extremely agitated during the course of her disease and
ensuing dementia. I took Maggie
s Flower Essence Sprays and Oils with me when I went to visit. Upon my arrival she shouted at me to leave the room,
I immediately sprayed the room with Hope Spray and asked if I might moisturize her hands with Serenity Oil. She
finally agreed and by the time I left she was peacefully sleeping with a smile on her face.
Mary Cruqui, Volunteer,
Elizabeth Hospice, San Diego, CA |