Smith, the creator behind Flower Essence
Energy Sprays.

An advanced energy healer, Maggie is a
graduate and teacher for the School of
Energy Mastery. Her journey with flower
essences began in 1993 with the Flower
Essence Society of California. She is
currently the United States teaching
representative for the “Living Essences of
Australia”. Over the years Maggie has
expanded her awareness of the vitality of
flower essence therapy and her knowledge and
skills through aromatherapy training. Her
Aromatic Hydrosols and Flower Essence Energy
Sprays are used in exclusive spas in
California and throughout the United States.
Maggie has a private practice in Santa Cruz,
where she shares this effective
life-affirming gift.
In her practice Maggie is available for private
consultations where she assists the client
in creating
a personal flower essence formula designed to help individuals
find peace with their life issues.
Flowers are one of God’s most beautiful and
vital creations. Each flower was created
with a unique vibrational signature. “Flower
Essence Energy Sprays” contain the life
force of flowers. Through a gentle
alchemical process these properties have
been preserved for our benefit. Each of us
also has a unique vibration, when we come in
contact with flowers we resonate with their
beauty, their fragrance and energy. We move
into a feeling of balance and harmony. You
can experience this when you use Flower
Essence Energy Sprays.
Flower Essence Sprays can be used to clear a
room of undesired or feelings of disharmony.
When surrounded by these fragrant mists we
feel expanded, more receptive and loving, We
are stimulated to move past issues of denial
and resistance. Attitudes and belief systems
can influence any physical condition,
positive or negative.
Using Flower Essence Energy Sprays uplifts
our mood. Use of flower essences allows us
to become partners in our healing process.
Flower Essence Energy makes no claim to be a
substitute for medical care. |